Plays by Stacey Lane

Saturday, September 28, 2019

“Poster Child” read in Chicago

Poster Child, a feature screenplay written in collaboration with Dara R. Cosby, is having a staged reading and feedback session as part of Cold Reads, Hot Scripts at iO in Chicago on September 28.  In this comedic film, a young woman in a wheelchair is convinced by her crush to try out for the high school cheerleading team so that he can break a hard-hitting news story about bias and inaccessibility.  She makes the team, steals the show, and soon becomes a national media darling, until jealousy rears its ugly head. For more about this monthly script development series, visit or For other works by Stacey Lane, go to or e-mail

The cast of Poster Child. Directed and hosted by Zak Kinnaird. Photographer: Lindsey Schroeder.