Plays by Stacey Lane

Friday, May 25, 2018

“67 Cinderellas” plays in Wisconsin

67 Cinderellas is being performed by Forest Park Middle in Franklin, Wisconsin on May 25. In this two-act parody, the shoe fits too many suitors, and the prince must come to terms with the ridiculousness of his method for finding his soulmate. This large-cast comedy for all ages is published by Dramatic Publishing. Call 1-800-448-7469 or go to for a free sample of the play, to buy the script, and to obtain the rights to perform 67 Cinderellas. For other fresh takes on fairy tales and original works for children and adults, visit or e-mail

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Read “The Boy Who Cried Wolf” script for free!

The Boy Who Cried Wolf is the first script featured in Pioneer Drama Service’s May 23 newsletter, “Six FREE Scripts - Pioneer's Preview Picks.” For a limited time, the publisher’s newsletter subscribers can read the entire script for free. Go to or call 1-800-333-7262 for more details. Perfect for drama summer camp showcases and performances, this short stage adaptation of Aesop’s fable features a flexible cast and very easy production requirements. For other plays by Stacey Lane, visit or contact

Friday, May 11, 2018

“A Poodle More Beautiful” plays in Canada

Theatre Quadra presents A Poodle More Beautiful on May 11 in Quathiaski Cove, British Columbia, Canada as part of “Take Ten: An Evening of Short Plays.” In this two-hander comedy, an uppity poodle puppy is none too pleased to being sharing a cell at a shelter with an unpedigreed mutt. To learn more about the theatre company, go to A Poodle More Beautiful is published by YouthPLAYS. To read a free excerpt, buy the script, and get the rights to perform this ten-minute play for all ages at your theater, school, drama class, or camp, visit or call 1-424-703-5315. For other plays for children, teens, and adults, go to or e-mail

Saturday, May 5, 2018

“The Boy Who Cried Wolf” plays in Ohio

The Boy Who Cried Wolf is being performed on May 5 in Northfield, Ohio by the Northfield Homeschool Group. In this twenty-minute play based on Aesop’s fable, a boy and his sheep long for adventure and are willing to do anything to get it. The Boy Who Cried Wolf is published by Pioneer Drama Service. Go to or call 1-800-333-7262 for more information, to read part of the play for free, to buy a copy of the script, and gain production rights. Visit or e-mail for other plays for children and adults.

Friday, May 4, 2018

“Checkered Past” plays in the United Arab Emirates

On May 4 and 5, Checkered Past is being performed at the 1:One UAE Theatre Fest in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. In this one-minute play, ants chowing down at a picnic determine whether the delicious reward is worth the risk of being discovered by the humans who hate them. For more about the production, please visit To read this play and other shorts, one-acts, and full-lengths, go to or contact

Lamya Tawfik, Greg Lunn, and Tabassum Inamdar in Checkered Past. Directed by Lamya Tawfik.