Plays by Stacey Lane

Saturday, June 29, 2019

“Can’t Count on Dracula” workshopped in Chicago

Cold Reads, Hot Scripts is doing a staged reading and talkback of Can’t Count on Dracula at iO Theatre in Chicago, Illinois on June 29. In this TYA one-act for a cast of four with double casting, a monster meeting on how to best scare modern children is disrupted by a silly witch who longs to be taken seriously. To find out more about this script development program for Chicago writers, visit or To request a copy of this play or Stacey Lane’s other scripts for children, teens, and adults, go to or e-mail

The cast of the workshop of Can’t Count on Dracula at iO. Directed and emceed by Huy Nguyen. Photographer: Elias Rios.