Plays by Stacey Lane

Saturday, August 10, 2019

“Sleeping Beauty” plays in Washington

Magenta Theater is performing Sleeping Beauty on August 10 in Vancouver, Washington. In this sixty-minute play for young audiences with a cast of as few as four and loads of audience participation, the traditionally romantic sides of this cherished fairy tale are tossed aside in favor of a humorous adventure with a genius frog and a quirky villain who really just needs a friend. For more about the production, go to Sleeping Beauty is published by Playscripts, Inc. To read a large portion of the play free of charge, to purchase the complete script, and to get the rights to perform Sleeping Beauty, visit or call 1-866-NEW-PLAY. Check out or e-mail for more plays by Stacey Lane. 

The cast of Sleeping Beauty. Directed by Lauren Scher.