On November 9 and 10, the Improv Playhouse in
Libertyville, Illinois is performing Sleeping Beauty. In this hour-long
audience participation adventure, an overly sensitive princess on a quest to
find the perfect birthday present for her mother stumbles upon a super smart
frog caught in a trap. She frees the frog, but incurs the wrath of the evil
fairy who has imprisoned the frog. Visit www.improvplayhouse.com or www.facebook.com/improvplayhouse for information about Improv Playhouse.
This silly, fast-paced take on the classic love story for a small-to-medium-size
cast is published by Playscripts, Inc. Call 1-866-NEW-PLAY or go to www.playscripts.com for more about
Sleeping Beauty, including how to order the script and get production
rights and to read 90% of the play online for free. For other comedic stage adaptions
of famous fairy tales, as well as original works for all ages groups, visit www.StaceyLaneInk.com or
contact Stacey@StaceyLaneInk.com.