Tuesdays@9Chicago is presenting the first
part of The Thirteen Little Pigs at the Annoyance Theatre in
Chicago, Illinois on September 10. In this comedic one-act for children, the
three little pigs, who are not the famous three pigs you know and love, take
over to share their forgotten tale about their really large and frequently
feuding family. To learn more about Tuesdays@9, go to https://theannoyance.com, www.facebook.com/NakedAngelsTuesdaysat9Chicago or www.nakedangels.com/tuesdays-9. Please visit
www.StaceyLaneInk.com or contact Stacey@StaceyLaneInk.com for more about how to preview or produce The Thirteen Little Pigs
and other titles for youth, teens, and adults.
The cast of The Thirteen Little Pigs. Directed by Joshua Fardon and Patricia Mario. |