Logansport Junior Civic
Theatre in Logansport, Indiana is performing Snow Queen on January 13 and 14. In this sixty-minute stage adaptation
of Hans Christian Andersen’s classic winter tale, a kind-hearted little girl
must face her fears and the dreaded Snow Queen to rescue her best friend and restore
warmth and happiness across the land. Go to www.facebook.com/logansportjuniorcivictheater for more information about this
production. Contact the publisher, Pioneer Drama Service, at www.pioneerdrama.com or 1-800-333-7262 for a free
sample of the script, to buy the playbook, and to get production rights. For
other reimaginings of fairy tale favorites, as well as new works for all ages,
visit www.StaceyLaneInk.com or e-mail Stacey@StaceyLaneInk.com.