Town Hall Theatre in Centerville, Ohio presents
Snow Queen on November 4 through 6. This
sixty-minute children’s play is based on the same Hans Christen Anderson fairy
tale as the Disney movie
Frozen. To
save her cousin Kay, little Gerda
must face her fears and go head to head with her frosty foe, the Snow Queen. She finds strength and companionship in the colorful
characters— animals, plants, and humans—that she meets on her journey. For more
information about the production, visit or
Queen is published by Pioneer Drama Service. Go to or call 1-800-333-7262 to
preview the play for free, order a copy of the script, and get the rights to produce
it at your theater, school, or club. For other works by Stacey Lane, contact or
The cast of Snow Queen. Directed by Amy Brown. |