Plays by Stacey Lane

Saturday, April 27, 2019

“The Thirteen Little Pigs” workshopped in Chicago

Cold Reads, Hot Scripts is doing a staged reading and feedback session for The Thirteen Little Pigs on April 27 at iO Theatre in Chicago, Illinois. In this one-act for young audiences, the ten pigs who storybook lore has forgotten step up to claim their identity and set the record straight. To learn more about this monthly script development series, check out or To preview The Thirteen Little Pigs and other plays for all age levels, go to or e-mail

The cast of The Thirteen Little Pigs workshop. Directed and hosted by Zak Kinnaird. Photographer: Kait Rairden.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

“Insomniac Society” plays in Ohio

Beaumont School presents Insomniac Society on April 17 in Cleveland Heights, Ohio. In this one-act for a teen cast, a sleep-deprived high school student finds a way to fill her long nights and keep the loneliness from crushing her. To get a copy of the play or learn about other new works by Stacey Lane, go to or contact the playwright directly at

Saturday, April 13, 2019

“Uterus-less” opens in London

On April 13 and 14, Uterus-less is being performed at the Telegraph Hill Festival in New Cross Gate, London by Orísun Productions as part of the Spring Board Showcase. In this monologue for a female of child-bearing age, Alison’s blissful marriage begins to unravel when a pushy family member offers to be her surrogate and egg donor. To learn more about the festival, go to To get a copy of the monologue or learn about other works by Stacey Lane, visit or e-mail

Friday, April 12, 2019

“Sleeping Beauty” plays in Wisconsin

Sleeping Beauty is being performed on April 12 by New Richmond Middle School in New Richmond, Wisconsin. In this sixty-minute audience participation adventure with a flexible cast, a misunderstood villain tells her side of the familiar fairytale, complete with a magic clock, a multi-lingual frog, and a birthday party gone wrong. Playscripts, Inc. publishes Stacey Lane’s Sleeping Beauty. To read an online sample, get more information, order the script, and secure production rights, visit or call 1-866-NEW-PLAY. For more plays for children, teens, and adults, go to or e-mail

“The Boy Who Cried Wolf” plays in Virginia

Bacon District Elementary in Saxe, Virginia presents The Boy Who Cried Wolf on April 12. In this simple one-act comedy for young performers, a shepherd chooses fun and thrills over responsibility. Pioneer Drama Service publishes The Boy Who Cried Wolf. Visit or call 1-800-333-7262 for a free sample of the script, to buy the book, and to get the rights to perform this play at your school, summer camp, or children’s theater. For other fables, folktales, and nursery rhymes reinvented for the stage, as well as original plays for youth and adults, go to or contact

“Lucas Dreaming” plays in Texas

Lucas Dreaming is being performed in Royse City, Texas on April 12 at HCA. In this ten-minute experimental play for a cast of two male actors, an insomniac and his subconscious determine that a sleepless night may be better than one filled with nightmares. Lucas Dreaming is published by Brooklyn. Go to or call 1-888-473-8521 to read part of the play for free, buy the book, and get performance rights. For other plays by Stacey Lane, visit or e-mail

Monday, April 8, 2019

“Shoebox” and “Bitches on Good Behavior” play in New York

Phoenix Repertory Company is performing Shoebox and Bitches on Good Behavior on April 7 and 14 in Lindenhurst, Long Island, New York as part of "Gimme a Minute: A One-Minute Play Festival." In Shoebox, a collection of greeting cards chronicles a life lived and lost. In Bitches on Good Behavior, a woman gives a man a piece of her mind when he casually calls her a bitch. To learn more about Phoenix Repertory Company, go to Phoenix Repertory Company. To get copies of these short scripts and more short, ten-minute, one-act, and full-length plays, go to or contact

Shoebox at Phoenix Repertory Company.
Bitches on Good Behavior at Phoenix Repertory Company.