Plays by Stacey Lane

Saturday, January 26, 2019

“Uterus-less” plays in London

On January 26 and 27, Orísun Productions presents Uterus-less as part of their Spring Board Showcase in New Cross Gate, South London. In this female monologue, a woman who cannot bear children contemplates the friction that arises in her otherwise happy marriage when a meddlesome relative makes the unsolicited offer to serve as their surrogate and egg donor. To learn more about this bold new company that is dedicated to African and African Caribbean creatives, visit To read Uterus-less or other plays and monologues with leading female roles, visit or contact Stacey Lane directly at

Amanda Blake in Uterus-less. Directed by Shereener Browne. Photograph by Kwame Lestrade.

Friday, January 25, 2019

“Snow Queen” opens in Colorado

The Evergreen Players are performing Snow Queen on January 25 and 26 in Evergreen, Colorado. In this sixty-minute youth play, Gerda goes on a dangerous and whimsical quest to save her best friend Kay before he is trapped forever in the heartless Snow Queen’s palace.  Go to to learn more about the production. Snow Queen is published by Pioneer Drama Service. Visit or call 1-800-333-726 to preview a large portion of the text for free, buy the script in hardcopy or e-version, and obtain production rights. For other short, one-act, and full-lengths plays for children, teens, and adults, go to or e-mail

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

“Hiccup” read in Chicago

Hiccup is being presented on January 8 by the Naked Angels as part of their “Tuesdays at 9” weekly reading series at the Annoyance Theater in Chicago, Illinois. In this ten-minute comedy for a cast of three, a snooty teenager’s chances of winning a college scholarship dwindle when she develops an incurable case of the hiccups right before she must compete in a speech contest. For more about the Naked Angels, go to,, or . To request a copy of this script or others by Stacey Lane, e-mail or visit