On December 21st, Pet Names will be presented by Chicago’s
EEK! Theatre as part of A Very Merry
Mother-F@$#ing Christmas. In Pet
Names, an over-bearing wife and
an embarrassed husband struggle to get their little one to behave for the mall
Santa. For production information, go to EEK! Theatre's Facebook Page. Visit www.StaceyLaneInk.com or
e-mail StaceyLaneInk@yahoo.com to preview this script or others by Stacey Lane.
Stacey Lane is a published, award-winning playwright of scripts for adults and children. Her plays are available for professional, community, and youth productions by visiting www.StaceyLaneInk.com or contacting Stacey@StaceyLaneInk.com.
Monday, December 23, 2013
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
“Shoebox” featured in Mock Turtle Zine Issue 8
The eighth issue of Mock Turtle Zine has hit shelves and
contains Shoebox. In this short play
with an extremely flexible cast, a funeral-like procession begins with bearers
of birthday cards and ends with condolences. To read Shoebox in its entirety online or to get your copy of Mock Turtle
Zine Issue 8, visit www.mockturtlezine.com. For more about Stacey Lane’s available scripts and to
obtain production rights, e-mail StaceyLaneInk@yahoo.com or go to www.StaceyLaneInk.com.
Thursday, December 12, 2013
“Pet Names” opens in Tennessee
Ensemble Theatre of Chattanooga’s 5th annual Short Attention
Span Theatre Short Play Festival runs December 12th through the 22th. Featured
in this line up of plays about dysfunctional family Christmas
celebrations is Pet Names by Stacey
Lane. In this short comedy for a male and female actor, a couple fails to take a
Christmas-card-worthy photo of their precious bundle of joy on Santa’s lap. For
tickets or production information visit www.ensembletheatreofchattanooga.com. To read Pet Names or find out more about Stacey Lane’s other available scripts
for adults and children, go to www.StaceyLaneInk.com or contact the playwright directly at StaceyLaneInk@yahoo.com.
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
“The Naked People Play” returns to Off-Broadway
Naked People Play once
again is the traditional closer to Endtimes Productions’ 7th Annual Naked Holidays. The show begins previews on November 29th, opens on December 8th and runs through December 30th at the Cutting Room at 44 East 32
Street at Park Avenue in New York City. In The
Naked People Play, a recently dumped man is shocked to discover his former
lover with naked people. For information about this bawdy flesh-filled evening
of non-traditional holiday mischief, music and merriment, visit http://endtimesproductions.com or call 212-352-3101 To preview this script, go to www.StaceyLaneInk.com or e-mail StaceyLaneInk@yahoo.com.
Friday, December 6, 2013
“Pet Names” plays in California
Charles Stewart Howard
Playhouse presents Hardy Candy Christmas December
7th through 14th in Woodland Hills, California. This celebration of the ups and downs of the holiday
season includes Stacey Lane’s Pet Names.
In Pet Names, a stressed-out young couple in the throngs a long mall Santa line cannot get their precious baby to behave. This short comedy has a cast of one
man and one woman. For more information about the show, visit WHC Theatre’s Facebook Page. To order tickets, go to www.goldstar.com or www.brownpapertickets.com. For a perusal copy of Pet Names or other works by the
playwright, write to her at StaceyLaneInk@yahoo.com or go to www.StaceyLaneInk.com.
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
“The Hundred Dollar Hug” plays in Indonesia
On November 23rd, Sanata
Dharma University in Societet, Taman Budaya, Yogyakarta, Indonesia performs The Hundred Dollar Hug. In this
monologue, a desperate man informs his theatre audience that he will give a
one-hundred-dollar bill to the first person to come onstage and hug him. To
learn more about this Monologue Marathon, visit
Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris. For a perusal copy of the
monologue for audition or performance use or for information about the playwright
and her other available plays, go to www.StaceyLaneInk.com or e-mail StaceyLaneInk@yahoo.com.
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Ginong P performs The Hundred Dollar Hug |
Friday, November 8, 2013
“Great Bellied Women” plays in NYC
On November 8th,
Manhattan Theatre Source presents EstroGenius 2013 Xtended at Theaterlab on West
36th Street in New York City. The evening of one-acts begins with Stacey Lane’s
Great Bellied Women and concludes
with Lezlie Revelle’s Match. In
period piece Great Bellied Women, a
midwife tests and trains an apprentice-to-be in the delicate, disgusting,
empowering and amusing art of delivering a baby in Elizabethan England. To
learn more about this celebration of female voices, visit http://estrogenius.org. For a perusal copy of
Great Bellied Women, a thirty-minute
three-actor comedy well-suited for Renaissance Festival entertainment, women’s studies
discussion, feminist events and theatrical performance, go to www.StaceyLaneInk.com or e-mail StaceyLaneInk@yahoo.com.
Monday, November 4, 2013
"Rainbow Sprinkles" presented in Minnesota
Laura Grieme, a senior at the University of Minnesota –
Duluth presents Rainbow Sprinkles on
November 4th for her college directing project. In addition to
directing the play, Miss Grieme has written a paper extensively analyzing
the script and the playwright’s background. In Rainbow Sprinkles, an untrusting, easily offended mother interviews
a clown for her son’s birthday party. To preview this one-act comedy, visit www.StaceyLaneInk.com or contact StaceyLaneInk@yahoo.com.
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Seraphemera Books publishes "The Author’s Autopsy"
Released today! Garbanzo Literary
Journal, a publication of Seraphemera Books, features its first play- Stacey
Lane’s The Author’s Autopsy - along
with an eclectic collection of works from forty other authors. In The Author’s
Autopsy, experts weigh in on what caused a struggling writer’s untimely demise.
Garbanzo Literary Journal is truly unique, as each limited edition book is
hand-made and individually numbered. Not only are the pages of the book chocked
full of literary artistic achievements, but the book itself is a piece of
artwork. To learn more about this innovative publisher or to get your hand-crafted book,
visit www.garbanzoliteraryjournal.org or Garbanzo's Facebook Page. For production rights for The
Author’s Autopsy or for more information about Stacey Lane’s other
available scripts, go to www.StaceyLaneInk.com or contact the playwright directly at StaceyLaneInk@yahoo.com.
Sunday, October 13, 2013
"Rainbow Sprinkles" plays in the Catskills
Open Eye Theater reprises Rainbow Sprinkles for the Catskill Women's
Network on October 14th in Margaretsville, New York. In this one-act comedy, an overly sensitive lawyer interviews a compassionate birthday party clown. Go to http://theopeneye.org to learn more about the theatre company. Visit www.StaceyLaneInk.com or e-mail StaceyLaneInk@yahoo.com for a perusal copy of Rainbow Sprinkles or other available scripts.
Saturday, October 12, 2013
"Rainbow Sprinkles" plays in Mt. Tremper, NY
A Columbus Weekend Celebration at Emerson Resort in Mt.
Tremper, New York will include performances of the one-act comedy Rainbow Sprinkles along with musical acts, book signings, crafts, food tastings and other outdoor family activities on October 12th and 13th. In Rainbow Sprinkles, an uptight mother tries to find a suitable clown for her son's upcoming birthday party. For more information about the festival, visit www.emersonresort.com. Go to www.StaceyLaneInk.com or StaceyLaneInk@yahoo.com to get a copy of this script or find out more about Stacey Lane's available plays for family, children or adult audiences.
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
"Pet Names" featured on The Other Otter
Stacey Lane's short play Pet Names can now be read on humor website The Other Otter. In this one-minute comedy for one male and one female actor, a couple attempts to take the perfect photograph of their beloved, but misbehaving baby with the mall Easter Bunny. To view the complete script, visit http://theotherotter.com. For production rights, please go to www.StaceyLaneInk.com or contact the playwright at StaceyLaneInk@yahoo.com.
Friday, September 6, 2013
"Residue" plays in NYC
The Secret Theatre presents Residue as the opening performance in their annual One Act Festival. The show runs September 5th through 14th in New York City. In Residue, a one-act dark comedy with a cast of one man and one woman, a lucid dreamer explores her sexual fantasies until her guilt over controlling her imaginary lover and betraying her real husband become more than she can bear. For tickets or more information about the festival, visit www.secrettheatre.com. To preview this script, contact StaceyLaneInk@yahoo.com or go to www.StaceyLaneInk.com.
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Brooklyn Publishers releases “My Dog Ate the Constitution”
My Dog Ate the Constitution has been published by Brooklyn
Publishers. Studying for a test on the
U.S. Constitution is boring enough to make you fall asleep! In this hour-long audience-participation
adventure, a young girl does just that and is surprised to meet George
Washington and Ben Franklin in her dreams. Even more surprising is that her dog
is now wearing a powdered wig and claiming to be James Madison. During her
nocturnal romp, she also meets the Articles of Confederation, the Virginia
Plan, the New Jersey Plan, the Great Compromise, the Executive Branch, the
Judicial Branch, the Legislative Branch, the Bill of Rights and other colorful
characters who not only help her learn the facts for her upcoming test, but
instill her with a new-found responsibility for standing up for what is right. My Dog Ate the Constitution has flexible
casting and utilizes songs and games to teach elementary school students
curriculum-based U.S. History in a memorable and interactive manner. A reading
or performance of My Dog Ate the
Constitution is a perfect way for your school to celebrate Constitution Day
on September 17th. To buy a copy of the script, obtain production
rights or learn more about the play, go to www.brookpub.com
or call 1-888-473-8521. For more information on the playwright and her
other available works, go to www.StaceyLaneInk.com or e-mail StaceyLaneInk@yahoo.com.
Saturday, August 17, 2013
"Sleeping Beauty" plays in Louisiana
St. Edward the Confessor Elementary School in Metairie, Louisiana presents Sleeping Beauty on August 17th. In this hour-long play for all ages, a magical frog and a silly villain infuse this typically romantic tale with hilarity and audience participation. Please go to www.playscripts.com or call 1-866-NEW-PLAY to obtain production rights or get a copy of the script. Contact the playwright directly at StaceyLaneInk@yahoo.com or www.StaceyLaneInk.com.
Friday, August 9, 2013
"Sleeping Beauty" opens in Florida
Sol Children Theatre Troupe presents Stacey Lane's Sleeping Beauty August 9th through 25th in Boca Raton, Florida. In this comedy for all ages, this classic romantic tale gets turned upside down when the feisty villain takes over as storyteller. To get tickets or learn more about this incredible youth theatre company, go to www.solchildren.org or Sol's Facebook Page. To read a free preview of most of the script online, buy a hard copy of Sleeping Beauty, or secure production rights for your theater or school, go to www.playscripts.com. For more information about the playwright and her other plays for young audiences and adults, visit www.StaceyLaneInk.com or contact her directly at StaceyLaneInk@yahoo.com.
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
"Rainbow Sprinkles" opens in NY
From August 8th through August 18th, the Open Eye Theater in Margaretville, New York
presents Summer Shortcuts III.
Featured in this diverse collection of ten-minute plays is Rainbow Sprinkles by Stacey Lane. In this short comedy for two actors, an easily offended mother finds petty reasons not to hire
a well-meaning clown for her son’s birthday party. For production information, visit
www.theopeneye.org. To preview this script or learn more about the writer, go to www.StaceyLaneInk.com or contact StaceyLaneInk@yahoo.com.
Friday, August 2, 2013
"The Author's Autopsy" opens in Washington
Changing Scene Theatre Northwest presents The Author's Autopsy as part of Summerplay 2013. The show runs August 2nd through August 17th at Bremerton Community Theatre in Bremerton, Washington. In The Author's Autopsy, a postmortem does not go as planned when it is discovered that the deceased was an unfulfilled writer. For production information, visit www.changingscenenorthwest.org. For production rights, a script to peruse or more about Stacey Lane's other available titles, go to www.StaceyLaneInk.com or e-mail StaceyLaneInk@yahoo.com.
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Briana Osborne and Jennifer Royer in The Author’s Autopsy. Directed by
Pavlina Morris and Kyle Boynton.
Saturday, July 27, 2013
“Story Stew: A Fairy Tale Revue” plays in Texas
Children’s Educational Little Theatre (CELT) of
Port Arthur Little Theatre presents Story
Stew: A Fairy Tale Revue as their summer camp show on July 27th in
Nederland, Texas. In this sixty-minute large cast comedy for young actors,
favorite fairy tale characters collide as an old woman who has so many children
she does not know what to do finds her family a new home in a giant shoe. For more about Port Arthur Little Theatre, go
to www.palt.org or www.facebook.com/Portarthurlittletheatre. Contact Dramatic Publishing at www.dramaticpublishing.com or 1-800-448-7469
to secure production rights for Story Stew: A Fairy Tale Revue, buy the
script or sample a scene. For other TYA plays, visit www.StaceyLaneInk.com to or e-mail StaceyLaneInk@yahoo.com.
Monday, July 22, 2013
Smith and Kraus publishes “Storms, Sheets and Show Tunes”
Get your copy of The Best Ten-Minute Plays 2012 published
by Smith and Kraus. In this anthology, you will find fifty award-winning ten-minute
plays, including Storms, Sheets and Show
Tunes by Stacey Lane. In this short play for 3 male and 3 female actors, theatre
ghosts hold late-night auditions for the coveted role of haunting a historic
theatre. To purchase the book go to www.amazon.com or www.smithandkraus.com. For rights to produce Storms, Sheets and Show Tunes or more
information about the playwright, contact StaceyLaneInk@yahoo.com or visit www.StaceyLaneInk.com.
Thursday, July 18, 2013
“Pet Names” plays in Colchester, UK
Mercury Theatre will perform Pet Names on July 18th as part of Hotbed
Festival’s One Page Play Competition. In this short play for a male and female
actor, a young couple takes pictures of their misbehaving bundle of joy with
the Easter Bunny. For tickets and festival details, visit www.mercurytheatre.co.uk or www.menagerie.uk.com. To preview the Pet Names script or get more information about the playwright and her available
works, contact StaceyLaneInk@yahoo.com or go to www.staceylaneink.com.
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
“Story Stew: A Fairy Tale Revue” presented in Illinois
Fairy Tale Theatre
of Tinley Park Public Library performed Story
Stew: A Fairy Tale Revue on July 12th and 13th in Tinley Park, Illinois. How did the old lady end up living in a shoe?
Why were Hansel and Gretel in the forest that day? Why did the Big Bad Wolf try
to eat Little Red Riding Hood? This large cast sixty-minute comedy brings
together all of your beloved fairy tale characters. For more information about
the talented Fairy Tale Theatre teen troupe, visit www.tplibrary.org. To obtain production rights for Story Stew: A Fairy Tale Revue, purchase
a script, or read a sample of the play, go to www.dramaticpublishing.com or call 1-800-448-7469.
For more about the
playwright, visit www.StaceyLaneInk.com or contact her directly at StaceyLaneInk@yahoo.com.
Sunday, July 14, 2013
“Shoebox” advances to the One Page Play Competition Finals in the UK
By audience vote, Shoebox has been chosen to be performed again on July 14th in the Hotbed One Page Play Competition Finals in Cambridge, England. For tickets, go to www.junction.co.uk. To request a perusal copy of this short play for two to twenty actors about life and death and the milestones in between, e-mail StaceyLaneInk@yahoo.com or visit www.staceylaneink.com.
Saturday, July 13, 2013
"Shoebox" plays in Cambridge, England
Menagerie Theatre Company presents the Hotbed
Festival’s One Page Play Competition at Cambridge Junction on Saturday July 13th.
Among the new writing being presented is Stacey Lane’s Shoebox. In this short play with flexible casting, a woman’s
journey from cradle to grave is chronicled in the greeting cards she received
during her lifetime. For more information about this celebration of
playwrights, visit www.junction.co.uk or www.menagerie.uk.com. For more on Stacey Lane and her available scripts for
adults and children, visit www.staceylaneink.com or contact StaceyLaneInk@yahoo.com.
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
“Great Bellied Women” opens in New Zealand
Don't Blink Theatre Company presents Stacey Lane’s Great Bellied Women in a double bill
with Caryl Churchill’s Vinegar Tom. The
show runs June 26th through June 30th at Musgrove Studio in
Auckland, New Zealand. This is the first time that Lane’s work has been
performed in New Zealand. In Great Bellied Women, a new one-act
comedy with an all female cast, a Renaissance midwife and her high-spirited daughter test a
potential apprentice’s skills in a pretend delivery. This period piece illuminates the peculiar
practices of Renaissance childbirth, while celebrating the bond of women rising
above their oppression in this sacred exclusively female arena, the Elizabethan
birthing chamber. For production information, go to www.dontblink.co.nz
or Don't Blink's Facebook Page
To preview this script that is well-suited for performance at Renaissance Fairs,
professional theatres, educational institutes and one-act competitions, contact
StaceyLaneInk@yahoo.com or visit www.StaceyLaneInk.com.
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Cottingham, Erin O'Flaherty and Aimee Gestro in Great Bellied Women. Directed by Andrew Parker. Produced by Grace
Shelley. Photographed by Joyce Hipolito of Vogoë Photography.
Friday, June 21, 2013
“The Turtle and the Bunny” plays in Illinois
Harper College in
Palatine, Illinois presents The Turtle
and the Bunny on June 21st as part of their InZone On Broadway
summer camp. In this twenty-minute large-cast comedic reimaging of Aesop’s The Tortoise and the Hare, woodland
creatures compete in end-of-the-school-year festivities. To preview this
children’s play or other TYA scripts, go to www.StaceyLaneInk.com or e-mail StaceyLaneInk@yahoo.com.
Thursday, June 13, 2013
“Lucy Dreaming” plays in New Jersey
The Barn Theatre
ushers in the summer with its "Solstice Showcase: 2013 One-Act Festival"
June 14th through 16th in Montville, New Jersey. One of the eight short plays being performed
is Lucy Dreaming. In this experimental play for two women, a restless insomniac
desperately trying to fall asleep encounters her strange and elusive
subconscious counterpart. For production information, call (973) 334-9320 or visit
www.barntheatre.org. To preview Lucy
Dreaming or other scripts, contact StaceyLaneInk@yahoo.com
or go to www.staceylaneink.com.
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Friday, June 7, 2013
“The Author’s Autopsy” opens in Brooklyn
Gi60 (Gone in 60 Seconds): International One Minute
Play Festival presents 50 plays in 50 minutes on June 7th and 8th at 8:00 pm at
the New Workshop Theatre in Brooklyn, New York. In one of these super short
plays, The Author’s Autopsy, doctors
open up a deceased novelist and riffle through his brainstorms, drafts, and dreams
to determine what did him in. For production information, please visit www.gi60.blogspot.com. For tickets, go
to http://tickets.brooklyncenter.com/eventperformances.asp?evt=34.
Visit www.staceylaneink.com or
e-mail StaceyLaneInk@yahoo.com for
more on scripts by Stacey Lane.
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Helen Huff and Vera Khodasevich in The Author’s Autopsy. Directed by Anthony Ponzio. |
Saturday, June 1, 2013
"The Author's Autopsy" plays in Ontario
South Simcoe Theatre in
Cookstown, Ontario presents The Author’s
Autopsy as part of Four Play on June 1st. In this short dark comedy, pathologists try to determine
what caused a writer’s demise. Their diagnosis: art kills. Visit www.southsimcoetheatre.com for
more information on the production. To preview this script or others for adults
or children, go to www.staceylaneink.com
or e-mail StaceyLaneInk@yahoo.com.
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Barb Canning, Cheryl Studdy and Kevin Scharf in The Author’s Autopsy. Directed by Sandy Bishop.
Friday, May 31, 2013
"Story Stew: A Fairy Tale Revue" performed in Canada
Vincent Massey Elementary School in St. Andrews, Canada presents Story Stew: A Fairy Tale Revue on May 31st and June 1st. In this large-cast sixty-minute comedy for children, the old woman who lived in a shoe has so many children, she doesn't know what to do. As if trying to feed her large family of beloved fairy tale characters isn't hard enough, a big bad wolf blows down their house. The kids- Jack,
Jill, Little Red Riding Hood, Goldilocks, Hansel, Gretel and Mary- venture into the forest to find a new home or at least a snack. With the help of a witch with a pension for gingerbread, the family takes up residence in a giant's lost shoe. To preview the first twenty pages of the play, purchase a script, or get production rights, go to Dramatic Publishing. For more information about the playwright and her other available plays, please visit www.staceylaneink.com or StaceyLaneInk@yahoo.com.
Saturday, May 25, 2013
"Green" and "Commotion in the Ocean" published by Next Stage Press
Next Stage Press has just released Green and Commotion in the Ocean. In Green, a twenty-minute TYA play with a cast of three, the Planet Princess needs the help of the children in the audience to save her frog friend from the Garbage Goblin. By using the Three Rs- “Reduce, Reuse and Recycle”, the earth-destroying villain is defeated. In Commotion in the Ocean, a twenty-minute children's play with a large flexible cast, greed rears its ugly head when fishy friends discover a pirates’ treasure chest. Visit Next Stage Press or Amazon to obtain production rights or buy the book that contains both one-act plays. For other works by Stacey Lane, go to www.StaceyLaneInk.com or contact StaceyLaneInk@yahoo.com.
The Mascot Organization's production of Green |
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Wilmington Drama League's production of Commotion in the Ocean |
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