Plays by Stacey Lane

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

"Lucy Dreaming" hits Utah

Echo Theatre in Provo, Utah will present Lucy Dreaming August 16th through 18th. In Lucy Dreaming, a nightmare-riddled insomniac is stuck between being awake and being asleep. For production information visit Go to or e-mail to preview the script.

Monday, August 13, 2012

"The Three Billy Goats Gruff" plays in Palatine, Illinois

As part of Harper College's InZone's "On Broadway" final class presentation,  The Three Billy Goats Gruff was performed on August 3rd in Palatine, Illinois. Believing that the grass must be greener on the other side, three goats set out to cross a bridge rumored to be controlled by a troll.  They instead discover a friendly frog. To preview this script or other available plays for children and adults, please visit or contact

Saturday, August 11, 2012

"Pulse" plays in Houston

Mildred's Umbrella Theatre Company presents Museum of Dysfunction V featuring Pulse. The show runs August 9th through 18th in Houston, Texas. In Pulse, a young actress's woeful monologue is interrupted by a cell phone ringing in the audience. She retaliates by destroying the phone that destroyed her moment in the spotlight.  For production information, visit To read a review, go to To preview this script or learn about other available plays, please contact or visit

Randi Hall in Pulse. Directed by Candyce Prince.