On Sunday December 9th, the Dayton Daily News included an article about Stacey Lane's recently published Story Stew: A Fairy Tale Revue. To purchase your copy of this children's play, go to www.dramaticpublishing.com.
Stacey Lane is a published, award-winning playwright of scripts for adults and children. Her plays are available for professional, community, and youth productions by visiting www.StaceyLaneInk.com or contacting Stacey@StaceyLaneInk.com.
Monday, December 10, 2012
Saturday, December 1, 2012
"Pet Names" opens in LA
North by South Theatre Los Angeles presents Pet Names as part of Winter Rites on December 1st at 8 pm. In Pet Names, a couple at the mall attempts to capture the perfect picture of Santa and their precious baby. For more production information, go to www.northbysouththeatrela.org. To preview this short comedy or others scripts by Stacey Lane, contact StaceyLaneInk@yahoo.com or visit www.StaceyLaneInk@yahoo.com.
Jeremiah Munsey and Chelsea Lockie in Pet Names. |
Thursday, November 29, 2012
"The Naked People Play" plays Off-Broadway
Endtimes Productions once again presents The Naked People Play as their traditional closer to Naked Holidays. This nude lewd winter variety show's limited Off-Broadway engagement begins previews on November 30th and opens on December 7th in Times Square. For tickets or more information, visit http://endtimesproductions.org. To preview this script or others by Stacey Lane, go to www.StaceyLaneInk.com or e-mail StaceyLaneInk@yahoo.com.
The Naked People Play at Endtimes |
Friday, November 16, 2012
"Kissing Boo Boos" premieres at Miami University
Miami University Hamilton Theatre presents Kissing Boo Boos as part of Miami Writes IV on November 16th in Hamilton, Ohio. A talkback with the playwrights will follow the show. In Kissing Kissing Boos, the hypocrisy of gender roles is exposed when a child gets injured on the playground. Go to Miami Writes IV Facebook Event for more information. For a perusal copy of this short script or others by Stacey Lane, visit www.StaceyLaneInk.com or e-mail StaceyLaneInk@yahoo.com.
Spencer Clark and Emily Potten in Kissing Boos at Miami. |
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Dramatic Publishing releases "Story Stew: A Fairy Tale Revue"
Story Stew: A Fairy Tale Revue has just been published by Dramatic Publishing. In this hour-long comedy for children, the old woman who lived in a shoe has so many children she doesn't know what to do. Her children include Jack, Jill, Little Red Riding Hood, Goldilocks, Hansel, Gretel, and Mary,
with her little lamb in tow. The play features an ensemble cast of twenty beloved fairy tale heroes. To read a sample of the script online, order a copy of the book, or for liscening information, go to www.dramaticpublishing.com. To learn more about the playwright and her other works, visit www.StaceyLaneInk.com. Contact Lane directly at StaceyLaneInk@yahoo.com.
Saturday, November 10, 2012
"Cold" published by Sterling
Sterling's Third Issue features Stacey Lane's play Cold. For more information about this publisher or to order the book, go to http://sterlingmag.ca. For production rights or other scripts, visit www.StaceyLaneInk.com or e-mail StaceyLaneInk@yahoo.com.
Friday, November 9, 2012
Poydras Review publishes "Shoebox"
Shoebox is included in Poydras Review's second issue. For more information about the book or to buy it directly from the publisher, go to www.poydrasreview.com. Poydras Review's Winter 2012 edition is also available at www.amazon.com in print and Kindle. To obtain production rights or learn more about the playwright and her other works, go to www.StaceyLaneInk.com or contact StaceyLaneInk@yahoo.com.
Monday, November 5, 2012
"Rapunzel and Rumpelstiltskin" opens in Dayton, Ohio
The Zoot Theatre Company presents Rapunzel and Rumpelstiltskin at the 1150-seat historic Victoria Theatre in Dayton, Ohio on November 6th. Go to www.victoriatheatre.com for more information. To purchase tickets, visit www.ticketcenterstage.com. To learn more about Zoot, an innovative puppet and mask troupe, go to www.zoottheatrecompany.org. To preview this script or others by Stacey Lane, visit www.StaceyLaneInk.com or contact StaceyLaneInk@yahoo.com.
Sunday, November 4, 2012
"Checkered Past" published by The Quotable
Checkered Past is featured in The Quotable's Fall 2012 Issue: Feast or Famine. Purchase your print copy at http://issue7.thequotablelit.com/. To read this short play online, go to http://issue7.thequotablelit.com/play/checkered-past/. For production rights or information about other available scripts, visit www.StaceyLaneInk.com or e-mail StaceyLaneInk@yahoo.com.
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Indian Ink publishes "Tummy Tirade"
Tummy Tirade appears in the latest issue of Indian Ink. In this short play, a woman on a diet engages in a battle of willpower with her talkative stomach. To get your copy, contact indian.ink.mag@gmail.com. To preview this play, gain performance rights, or find other available scripts, visit www.StaceyLaneInk.com or e-mail StaceyLaneInk@yahoo.com.
Sunday, October 28, 2012
JAC publishes "The Hundred Dollar Hug" and "Pulse"
Hot off the press! Get your copy of InterJACtions Monolgues at the Heart of Human Nature Volume II featuring Stacey Lane's The Hundred Dollar Hug and Pulse. To learn more about this monologue collection or to buy the book directly from JAC Publishing, visit www.jacpub.com. This anthology is also available in paperback and Kindle edition from www.amazon.com. For production rights and other available scripts, go to www.StaceyLaneInk.com or contact StaceyLaneInk@yahoo.com.
Thursday, October 25, 2012
"Sleeping Beauty" opens in Lousiana
Thibodaux High School presents Sleeping Beauty October 25th and 26th in Thibodaux, Lousiana. In this audience participation comedy for all ages, Griselda, the evil fairy that started it all finally gets to have her say. To preview the script online, buy a copy of the book, or get production rights, please go to www.playscripts.com. For information about other available plays for children, teens, and adults, visit www.StaceyLaneInk.com or e-mail StaceyLaneInk@yahoo.com.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
"Great Bellied Women" wins Radburn's Orginal Works Competiton
Radburn Players present Great Bellied Women in Fair Lawn, New Jersey on October 20th. In
Great Bellied Women, widow Agnes Moulsworth, a respected midwife, and her
high-spirited daughter Margery return from a successful delivery to interview a
prospective apprentice, the pious Mistress Jane Cobbe, and the riotous laughs
ensue! This thirty-minute comedic period piece illuminates the peculiar
practices of Renaissance childbirth, while celebrating the bond of women rising
above their oppression in this sacred exclusively female arena, the Elizabethan
birthing chamber. The Radburn Players have been continually producing shows for
over eighty years! To learn more about this historic company, visit www.radburnplayers.com.
To preview this script, contact StaceyLaneInk@yahoo.com or go to
"Sleeping Beauty" plays in Kentucky
The Playground Theatre in London, Kentucky presents Sleeping Beauty October 19th and 20th. This comedic version of the classic love story is presented through the eyes of a fiesty and funny villian and includes audience participation. For production information, go to www.playgroundtheatre.net. To preview this script online or obtain production rights for your theater or school, visit www.playscripts.com. To learn more about the author and her other available children's plays, go to www.StaceyLaneInk.com or contact StaceyLaneInk@yahoo.com.
Thursday, October 4, 2012
"My Dog Ate the Constitution" tours Tennessee schools
In honor of the 2012 presidential election, Ensemble Theatre of Chattanooga
presents My Dog Ate the Constitution, a quirky tale of a young girl struggling to prepare for a test
on the US Constitution. She is about to give up when some unexpected
visitors arrive. George Washington, Ben Franklin, and James Madison (who looks suspiciously like her dog in a powdered wig) take her on an exciting journey into history, just in time for the
constitutional convention. Kids and adults alike will love this
hilarious tale, and even learn some important lessons from history. To bring this interactive educational show to your school or organization, please visit www.ensembletheatreofchattanooga.com. To preview this script or others by Stacey Lane, go to www.StaceyLaneInk.com or contact StaceyLaneInk@yahoo.com.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Get your copy of "Words that Rhyme with Orange"
Hot off the press! Heuer Publishing is pleased to bring you Words that Rhyme with Orange. Visit www.hitplays.com to buy your book or obtain production rights. In this short comedy for all ages, a one-of-a-kind creature crashes onto an isolated island populated by identical spiders. According to performing arts educator Alicia
Potter of Capitol Theatre, "Words that Rhyme with
Orange is a fantastic script that offers a fun way for young actors to
learn perspective on diversity and bullying. Stacey Lane has tackled a
deeply important issue with humor and brilliant simplicity. Certainly one of
the best plays I've come across for young actors."
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Watch "Lucy Dreaming" now!
From the comfort of your own couch and your own computer, you can enjoy Chicago's Black Ship Co.'s Lucy Dreaming. This is not a recording of live theatre, but rather a unique hybrid of black box theatre and professional film production. To view, please go to blackshipco.org/lucy-dreaming. To learn more about the playwright and her available scripts, visit www.StaceyLaneInk.com or e-mail StaceyLaneInk@yahoo.com.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012
"Lucy Dreaming" hits Utah
Echo Theatre in Provo, Utah will present Lucy Dreaming August 16th through 18th. In Lucy Dreaming, a nightmare-riddled insomniac is stuck between being awake and being asleep. For production information visit www.theechotheatre.com. Go to www.StaceyLaneInk.com or e-mail StaceyLaneInk@yahoo.com to preview the script.
Monday, August 13, 2012
"The Three Billy Goats Gruff" plays in Palatine, Illinois
As part of Harper College's InZone's "On Broadway" final class presentation, The Three Billy Goats Gruff was performed on August 3rd in Palatine, Illinois. Believing that the grass must be greener on the other side,
three goats set out to cross a bridge rumored to be controlled by a troll. They instead
discover a friendly frog. To preview this script or other available plays for children and adults, please visit www.StaceyLaneInk.com or contact StaceyLaneInk@yahoo.com.
Saturday, August 11, 2012
"Pulse" plays in Houston
Mildred's Umbrella Theatre Company presents Museum of Dysfunction V featuring Pulse. The show runs August 9th through 18th in Houston, Texas. In Pulse, a young actress's woeful monologue is interrupted by a cell phone ringing in the audience. She retaliates by destroying the phone that destroyed her moment in the spotlight. For production information, visit www.mildredsumbrella.com. To read a review, go to www.chron.com. To preview this script or learn about other available plays, please contact StaceyLaneInk@yahoo.com or visit www.StaceyLaneInk.com.
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Randi Hall in Pulse. Directed by Candyce Prince. |
Friday, July 27, 2012
"Great Bellied Women" hits Louisiana
The St. Francisville Transitory Theatre presents Great Bellied Women as part of the 2012 Myrna Mynkoff New Play Festival. The show takes place on July 27th in St. Francisville, Louisiana. In this one-act comedic period piece, an Elizabethan midwife and her daughter test the skills of an apprentice-to-be in a pretend delivery. Go to www.sftheatre.net for tickets or more production information. Please contact StaceyLaneInk@yahoo.com or visit www.StaceyLaneInk.com to learn more about the playwright and her available scripts.
Thursday, July 26, 2012
"The Goose that Laid the Golden Egg" plays in Massachusetts
Multi-Arts of Hadly, Massachusetts presents The Goose that Laid the Golden Egg on July 27th. In this comedic one act, a poor farmer goes on a greedy rampage of a spending spree when she discovers a goose with a special talent. For production information, visit www.multi-arts.org. To preview this script, go to www.StaceyLaneInk.com or write to StaceyLaneInk@yahoo.com.
Saturday, July 14, 2012
"Rainbow Sprinkles" plays in the UK
On July 14th, Rainbow Sprinkles will be performed as part of the Tamerton Village Player's 20th Anniversary in Plymouth, UK. In this comedic one-act, an uptight politically-correct lawyer interviews a birthday party clown. To preview the play, obtain production rights or find out where you can buy a copy of the script, visit www.StaceyLaneInk.com or contact StaceyLaneInk@yahoo.com.
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
"My Dog Ate the Constitution" plays in Centerville, Ohio
Come celebrate Independence Day at the Americana Festival in Centerville, Ohio and learn a little about the making of our country's constitution in a fun and interactive play, My Dog Ate the Constitution. The show plays at 1pm and 3pm on July 4th at Town Hall Theatre. To learn more about this script or others by Stacey Lane, please visit www.StaceyLaneInk.com or contact StaceyLaneInk@yahoo.com.
Saturday, June 16, 2012
"Rapunzel and Rumpelstiltskin" to be workshopped in Ann Arbor
The Ann Arbor Civic Theatre Studio will workshop Rapunzel and Rumpelstiltskin on June 17th in Ann Arbor, Michigan. After the show, there will be a talkback with the playwright. In this comedy for all ages, a bad hair cut lands Rapunzel in the tower. In order to escape, she makes an unthinkable deal with Rumpelstiltskin. For more information, please visit www.a2ct.org. Go to www.StaceyLaneInk.com or contact StaceyLaneInk@yahoo.com to preview this script.
Saturday, June 9, 2012
"Words that Rhyme with Orange" plays in Michigan
Fancy Pants Theater presents Words that Rhyme with Orange in Kalamazoo, Michigan on June 10th in conjunction with Playcare and Gayla-thon. On an isolated island populated by identical spiders all named Bob, a strange creature makes a crash landing and changes their way of looking at their world and themselves. The cast of child actors will hold a talkback after each show to discuss what it feels like to be different. To learn more about the production, visit www.fancypantstheater.webs.com. To preview this script or other plays for children and adults, go to www.StaceyLaneInk.com or contact StaceyLaneInk.com.
Friday, June 8, 2012
"Lucy Dreaming" to be workshopped in Chicago
AstonRep Theatre Company will include Lucy Dreaming in their 4th Annual Writer's Series on June 9th at Chicago's DEN theatre. In Lucy Dreaming, an insomniac succumbs to her worst nightmares. A talkback will follow the performance. For reservations and additional information, go to www.astonrep.com. To preview this script or others by Stacey Lane, visit www.StaceyLaneInk.com or e-mail StaceyLaneInk@yahoo.com.
Thursday, June 7, 2012
"Bitches on Good Behavior" premieres in Brooklyn
The New Workshop Theater at Brooklyn College presents the world premiere of Bitches on Good Behavior as part of the eighth annual Gi60: The International One Minute Play Festival. The show which features fifty short plays runs June 8th through 9th. In Bitches on Good Behavior, a man at a bar calls a woman a bitch when she turns down his offer to buy her a drink. She responds accordingly. For further information about the production, please go to www.gi60.blogspot.com. Visit www.StaceyLaneInk.com or contact StaceyLaneInk@yahoo.com to preview Bitches on Good Behavior or other available scripts.
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Sabrina Cataudella and Jay Nickerson in Bitches on Good Behavior. Directed by Rose Burnett Bonczek.
Photograper: Anthony Ponzio. (2012)
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
"Rainbow Sprinkles" is translated into French and plays in Montreal
Absolu Theatre, a French language theatre in Montreal, Canada, produced Rainbow Sprinkles (translated by Véronick Raymond) as part of their Groupe théâtre tout court at the Théâtre
La Licorne on May 24th through 26th. In Rainbow Sprinkles, a politically-correct over-protective mother interviews a birthday party clown. To learn more about the company, please visit www.absolutheatre.com or http://www.facebook.com/absolu.theatre. Go to www.StaceyLaneInk.com or e-mail StaceyLaneInk@yahoo.com for more information about Stacey Lane's available scripts and biographical background.
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
"Hiccup" opens in Newburgh, NY
The 2nd
Annual NFA New Works Festival featuring Hiccup plays on June 5th and 6th at Newburgh Free Academy's Black Box Theatre at 201 Fullerton Avenue in Newburgh, New York. In Hiccup, an overconfident teenager waits for her turn in a speech competition when she develops an incurable case of the hiccups. To learn more about playwright Stacey Lane and her available scripts, visit www.StaceyLaneInk.com or contact StaceyLaneInk@yahoo.com.
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