Plays by Stacey Lane

Thursday, August 18, 2011

"Pulse" plays in the Catskill Mountains

The Open Eye Theater in Margaretville, New York  presents Summer Shortcuts featuring Pulse.  The production runs August 18th through 28th. In Pulse, a young actress's woeful monologue is interrupted by a cell phone ringing in the audience. She retaliates by destroying the phone that destroyed her art. To learn more about this script or others by Stacey Lane visit or contact

Katie Fairbairn in Pulse.

Monday, August 15, 2011

"Pet Names" included in newly published anthology

You can now buy your copy of A Festival of Awkward Moments: The Anthology (Volume 1) featuring Stacey Lane's short comedy Pet Names. Go to Visit to learn more about Lane's other works.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

"A Steal Down Memory Lane" premieres in Washington

On August 12th through 21st, A Steal Down Memory Lane will be performed by the Changing Scene Theatre Northwest in Bremerton, Washington as part of Summerplay 2011. In this short comedy, a victim recognizes her mugger as an old high school friend. To learn more about the production visit The Kitsap Sun states that A Steal Down Memory Lane has "the evening's best punch line". To read the review, go  to Kitsap Sun Review  or visit Kitsap Sun Press for  a press release of  this showcase of world premiere one-acts. To obtain a perusal copy of A Steal Down Memory Lane, contact or go to

Arianna Wells and Jeanette Tucker in A Steal Down Memory Lane. Directed by Kenadi Lewis.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

"The Naked People Play" and "Alien to Antiquity" open in Kansas

EMU Theatre in Lawrence, Kansas will present The Naked People Play and Alien to Antiquity from August 5th to August 12th. In The Naked People Play, a befuddled young man arrives at his ex-girlfriend's apartment to find that she has a naked man and a naked woman with her. She provides a perfectly innocent and artistic explanation. In Alien to Antiquity, two corporate spokesman set out to fire Lady Justice. To learn more about the production, go to Contact or visit to peruse these ten-minute plays.


Carol Holstead and Stephen Shapiro in Alien to Antiquity.  Directed by Chris Haberger. Photographer: Jim Luhning
Joe Henderson and Janette Salisbury in The Naked People Play. Directed by Jerry Salisbury. Photographer: Jim Luhning