Pulse received a reading with the GAN-e-meed Theatre Project as part of their One-Page Play Experiment. In Pulse, an actress's tearful monologue is interrupted by a cell phone ringing in the audience. She retaliates by destroying the phone that destroyed her art. To learn more about GAN-e-meed's unique project, visit http://www.ganemeed.org/. To learn more about Stacey Lane and her plays, visit www.StaceyLaneInk.com or e-mail StaceyLaneInk@yahoo.com.
Stacey Lane is a published, award-winning playwright of scripts for adults and children. Her plays are available for professional, community, and youth productions by visiting www.StaceyLaneInk.com or contacting Stacey@StaceyLaneInk.com.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Thursday, December 9, 2010
"The Naked People Play" plays in "Naked Holidays" in NYC
The Naked People Play is featured in EndTimes' Productions' 4th Annual "Naked Holidays". The show runs December 10th through 30th at the Ace of Clubs Theater located between Broadway and Lafayette Street in New York. For more information or to order tickets, go to www.EndTimesProductions.org. To learn more about The Naked People Play, a ten-minute satire about nudity in the theatre, please visit www.StaceyLaneInk.com or e-mail StaceyLaneInk@yahoo.com.
"Peek" plays at NativeAliens in NYC
Peek plays as part of NativeAliens Theatre Collective's holiday production. In Peek, a Christmas gift tempts a man to take a look while his girlfriend is in the other room. To learn more about the show, go to www.nativealiens.org. To peruse Peek or learn more about the playwright's other works, please visit www.StaceyLaneInk.com or contact StaceyLaneInk@yahoo.com.
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Lauren Kampf in Peek. |
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
"Lucy Dreaming" plays in Jackson, Mississippi
Belhaven University's 5th Annual One Act Festival includes Lucy Dreaming, an experimental piece about an insomniac transitioning between the world of awake and the world of her nightmares. To learn more about the production that runs November 30th and December 1st in Jackson, Mississippi, go to http://www.belhaven.edu or http://blogs.belhaven.edu/theatre. To obtain a perusal copy of this two-woman play or learn more about Lane's other works, please visit www.StaceyLaneInk.com or e-mail StaceyLaneInk@yahoo.com.
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Sarah Renick and Melissa Falardeau in Lucy Dreaming. |
Friday, November 19, 2010
"Peek" opens in NYC
Spare Change Theatre brings another installment of their high-energy, audience-participation production of one-minute plays, "In A New York Minute". This one is holiday-themed and includes Peek, a comedy about a Christmas present tempting a man to take a look while his girlfriend is in the other room. The show runs November 19th and 20th at the Arena in the SLC Center on 7th Avenue in New York City. To learn more about the theatre company and the prodcution, visit http://www.sparechangetheater.com. To learn more about the playwright and the script, visit www.StaceyLaneInk.com.
"The Hundred Dollar Hug" plays in Australia
The Hundred Dollar Hug is playing at Theatre Onset at Theatre Thimble in Bega New South Wales, Australia. The show runs until November 28th. Call 6492 2619 to book your tickets! In The Hundred Dollar Hug, a lonely man claims that he will give a hundred dollar bill to the first audience member who comes on stage and hugs him. To learn more about the playwright and her works, please visit www.StaceyLaneInk.com or e-mail StaceyLaneInk@yahoo.com.
Jamie Forbes in The Hundred Dollar Hug. Directed by Jack Berry. Photograph by Alex Nicol. (2010) |
Thursday, November 18, 2010
"Itch This" premieres in Newcastle, UK
Itch This receives its world premiere tonight at the Royal British Legion in Newcastle, United Kingdom as part of the "Ink Festival". The production runs November 18th and 19th. To learn more, please visit Ink Festival. In Itch This, a short play for one man and one woman, a man asks a stranger for assistance when he cannot reach the itch on his back. To preview this comedic script or learn more about Stacey Lane's work, go to www.StaceyLaneInk.com or e-mail StaceyLaneInk@yahoo.com.
Beth Carr and Ben Jewell in "Itch This" at the Ink Festival. Photographer: James Booth |
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Stacey Lane is the recipient of a Montgomery County Arts and Cultural District 2010-2011 Artist Fellowship
I am honored to be selected for a Montgomery County Arts and Cultural District Artist Fellowship. Montgomery County, Ohio recognizes the importance of funding its literary artists and I am grateful that they have chosen to support my passion for playwriting.
Friday, November 12, 2010
"The Naked People Play" opens in LA
The Naked People Play opens tonight as part of "Shorts and Sweets". The show runs late nights through December 4th at the Rogue Machine Theatre in Los Angeles. In The Naked People Play, a nervous young man arrives at his girlfriend's apartment to confront her about their recent break-up. He finds that she is not alone, but has a naked man and woman with her. She provides a perfectly innocent explanation. For details and tickets to this production intended for mature audiences only, visit http://roguemachinetheatre.com. To learn more about this script, the playwright, and her other works, go to www.StaceyLaneInk.com or e-mail StaceyLaneInk.com.
Reve Brander, Amanda Mauer, Tania Verafield, and David Mauer |
"Rainbow Sprinkles" plays in Bemidji, Minnesota
Rainbow Sprinkles plays this weekend in Saarens Productions' "Shortly Thereafter: An Evening of Short Plays". The production is at 7:30 pm on Friday November 12th and Saturday November 13th at the Wild Rose Theater in Bemidji, Minnesota. For more information about the show, please go to Saarens Productions. To learn more about Rainbow Sprinkles, a one-act comedy about a politically correct lawyer interviewing a clown for her son's birthday party, visit www.StaceyLaneInk.com or e-mail StaceyLaneInk@yahoo.com.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
"Sleeping Beauty" plays in Aurora, New York this weekend
Sleeping Beauty plays this weekend at Southern Cayuga Central School in Aurora, New York. In this twist on the beloved classic, the traditional storyteller reading from his all too well-known book of "Sleeping Beauty" is quickly usurped by the play's feisty and funny villain. With a magic spell, this evil fairy turns back the hands of time to let the audience in on what really happened when the loss of her prized frog sent her down the path of revenge. This hour-long audience-participation comedy has a flexible cast of four to nine. Sleeping Beauty has enjoyed successful runs with professional adult companies, puppet theatres, community theatres, children's theatres, colleges, high schools, middle schools, and elementary schools. To read a large sample of the script online, purchase the book, or obtain production rights, go to http://www.playscripts.com. To learn more about Stacey Lane and her other plays for children and adults, please visit www.StaceyLaneInk.com. To contact the playwright directly, write to StaceyLaneInk@yahoo.com.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Come see "Rainbow Sprinkles" at Art Harvest in Jersey City, New Jersey on October 30th
Rainbow Sprinkles, a one-act comedy about clowns in today's politically-correct world, will be read as part of Jersey City's Art Harvest at 2:30 pm on Saturday October 30th. For more information about Art Harvest, go to www.arthouseproductions.org. To request a copy of Rainbow Sprinkles or learn more about the playwright and her other available scripts, please visit www.StaceyLaneInk.com or e-mail StaceyLaneInk@yahoo.com.
Last chance to see "Sleeping Beauty" at the Canyon Theatre Guild in Newhall, CA
Canyon Theatre Guild's month long run of Stacey Lane's Sleeping Beauty will come to a close October 31st. To learn more about the production or order tickets, go to www.canyontheatre.org. To preview this audience-participation children's play, contact the playwright at StaceyLaneInk@yahoo.com or visit www.StaceyLaneInk.com.
Friday, October 22, 2010
"Lucy Dreaming" to receive reading in NYC on October 24th
Lucy Dreaming will be included in F.A.C.T.'s "Words and Wine" series on Sunday October 24th at 3pm at Joria Mainstage at 260 West 36th Street in New York City. To learn more about the show or the theatre company, please visit http://facttheatre.wordpress.com/. To receive a perusal copy of this two-women experimental ten-minute play, go to www.StaceyLaneInk.com or write to StaceyLaneInk@yahoo.com.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
"Sleeping Beauty" opens at the Canyon Theatre Guild in Newhall, California
Sleeping Beauty, an audience participation comedy, opens at the Canyon Theatre Guild in Newhall, California on September 25th. The show runs until October 31st. To purchase tickets or learn more about the theatre and its production of this twist on a beloved fairy tale classic, visit www.canyontheatre.org. To preview the script, order a copy of Sleeping Beauty, or obtain production rights, go to www.playscripts.com. To learn more about my other plays for children and adults, please visit www.StaceyLaneInk.com.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
"Storms, Sheets, and Show Tunes" runs September 24 through October 3rd at the Eden Praire Players in Minnesota
My one-act play Storms, Sheets, and Show Tunes will be performed along side a work by Steve Martin as part of the Eden Prairie Players' 5th Annual Collection of One-Acts. In Storms, Sheets, and Show Tunes, spirited theatre ghosts hold late night auditions to replace the current ghoul who wishes to retire from haunting. For more information about this production or to purchase tickets, please visit http://www.edenprairieplayers.com/. To preview a copy of Storms, Sheets, and Show Tunes or learn more about the playwright, go to www.StaceyLaneInk.com.
Deb Trebiatowski, Uchenna Chidozie, Doug White, and Sarah Holmer in Storms, Sheets, and Show Tunes. |
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
"Sleeping Beauty" plays this weekend at Cosby High School
Sleeping Beauty runs September 24th through September 26th at Cosby High School in Cosby, Tennessee. To learn more about Sleeping Beauty and my other plays available for production at high schools, theatre for young audiences (TYA), professional companies, and community theatres, please visit www.StaceyLaneInk.com. To read a sample of Sleeping Beauty, purchase a script, or obtain production rights, go to Playscripts, Inc.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
"Shoebox" plays at the Spare Change Theatre in NYC
My one-minute play Shoebox will be performed as part of Spare Change Theatre's innovative and interactive "In a New York Minute". The show is September 10th and September 11th at the SLC Center at 352 7th Avenue (30th Street). To preview this short play that documents a woman's journey from cradle to grave in the greeting cards she received, visit www.StaceyLaneInk.com or e-mail StaceyLaneInk@yahoo.com.
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Susanna Buckley in Shoebox. |
Friday, August 27, 2010
"Pulse", "Scratched", "Stalemate", and "The UnWelcome Mat" open at the Players Theatre in Sarasota, Florida!
Four of my one-minute plays, Pulse, Scratched, Stalemate, and The UnWelcome Mat will be included in the Eclectic Theatre Company's 5th Annual "Got a Minute?" Play Festival at the Players Theatre in Sarasota, Florida. The production runs through August 29th. All proceeds from the show go to the Moffitt Cancer Center. In the past four years of this fund-raising festival, Eclectic Theatre Company has raised $70,000 to fight cancer. This year they are hoping to break $100,000. Tickets can be purchased at http://www.theplayers.org/. To learn more about Eclectic Theatre Company, go to http://www.theeclectictheatrecompany.com. To read Pulse, Scratched, Stalemate, The UnWelcome Mat, or my other scripts, please contact StaceyLaneInk@yahoo.com or visit www.StaceyLaneInk.com.
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Lilian Moore and Barry Look in Stalemate. |
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Catch "Hiccup" if you are in Lawrence, Kansas
My ten-minute comedy Hiccup is currently playing in EMU Theatre's 11th Annual Ten-Minute Play Festival in Lawrence, Kansas. To learn more about the show that runs until August 28th at the Lawrence Arts Center, visit http://www.emutheatre.net/. For a perusal copy of Hiccup or to find out more about other available plays, please visit www.StaceyLaneInk.com or e-mail StaceyLaneInk@yahoo.com
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Ian Weaver and Lindsay Kemple in Hiccup at EMU Theatre. Photographer: Jerry Salisbury. (2010) |
Friday, August 20, 2010
Last chance to see "Residue" at the Red Room in NYC
My one-act Residue is being performed as part of a production entitled Encounters (in a Non-Lucid State). Performances are at the Red Room at 85 East 4th Street (between 2nd and 3rd Ave.) in New York City. The show closes August 21st, 2010. Encounters (in a Non-Lucid State) is produced by Rising Sun Performance Company and Horse Trade Theatre Group. To order tickets, go to SmartTix. For more information about Residue, a dark comedy that explores lucid dreaming, please visit www.StaceyLaneInk.com or e-mail StaceyLaneInk@yahoo.com.
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Anastasia Peterson in Residue at Rising Sun Performance Company in New York, New York. Directed by Tim Butterfield. Photographer: Akia Squitieri. (2010) |
"Rainbow Sprinkles" garnishes praise from the Hoboken Patch
Rainbow Sprinkles recently received a reading with _gaia's Lip Reading Series at Sinatra Park Amphitheater in Hoboken, New Jersey. To read the Hoboken Patch's review of the event, go to http://hoboken.patch.com/articles/promoting-women-in-visual-arts-in-frank-sinatra-park. To obtain a perusal copy of Rainbow Sprinkles, a short comedy about political correctness and clowns, please write to StaceyLaneInk@yahoo.com. To learn more about my available scripts, visit www.StaceyLaneInk.com.
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Reading of Rainbow Sprinkles at Frank Sinatra Park in Hoboken, New Jersey. Photographer: Amanda Staab. (2010). |
"Lucy Dreaming" plays to sold out crowds at Boston's FeverFest
Lucy Dreaming completed a successful sold-out run at the Small Theatre Alliance of Boston's FeverFest 2010. This ten-minute experimental piece was produced by GAN-e-meed Theatre Project. To learn more about GAN-e-meed's production of my play and their mission to advance the role of women in theatre, please visit http://www.ganemeed.org/. To peruse a copy of the script of Lucy Dreaming, e-mail me at StaceyLaneInk@yahoo.com. To learn more about Lucy Dreaming and my other plays, stop by www.StaceyLaneInk.com.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
New Playwriting Website
I have just launched a playwriting website. It provides detailed information about my available scripts for production by professional, community, educational, youth and children's theatres. Please visit www.StaceyLaneInk.com to learn more about me and my plays. I am a published, award-wining playwright with over two hundred productions.
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